Abuse Policy

Help us build and maintain a safe community.

At Yarn.Social, we believe that everyone is free to express and share their
opinions, stories, ideas and thoughts! You’re even free to create your own pod, with your own followers. Your posts are your own, your data is your own, your
community can be made by you, however, Yarn.social pod owners and operators have a responsibility to provide a safe community.

The primary focus of the community guidelines will be @-mentions and Conversations posted to any pods managed either by the Yarn.social team or
pods purchased through the Yarn.social hosting service. Pods created and hosted
independently are not held to these community guidelines and are beyond both the scope of this policy, and Yarn.social’s writ large.

Many great friendships and conversations happen on Yarn.social. Unfortunately,
from time to time, users may engage in what is deemed abusive or harassing

If you are being harassed on a Yarn.social pod, or if you notice someone else
being harassed, please report the user by going to their profile page and
selecting Report User. You will be asked for an example(s), in the form of links to offending posts, by either their URL(s) or their Twt Hashes. Alternatively, you can contact the pod owner through the /support page.

The following will not be tolerated as @-mentions to any user or in any conversations (including multimedia content) on any Yarn.social pod:

What happens if someone violates these guidelines

We recognize that the circumstances under which a violation has occurred will
vary, and we will tailor our response to the situation that has been reported.
We’ll review each abuse report on a case-by-case basis. In each case, the actions we may take can include, but are not limited to, the following:

Thanks for helping us build and maintain a safe and welcoming community
on Yarn.social and beyond!

We reserve the right to update these guidelines as needed.